Friday, August 6, 2010


Still doing well on eBay, each girl card has sold.  We've decided to only list one card at a time to avoid cannibalization.  I think as soon as one auction ends, another will begin.  So far, the card that sold for the most was the Zendikar forest girl with white hair and a bird.  It seems like the same person is buying all or most of our cards, which is interesting.  Thanks, guy!  

Anyway, up for grabs is an altered Zendikar mountain.  She is painted with acrylics. No metallic paint on this one, other than maybe the signature.  Auction ends August 10th.

Coming soon to eBay is some sort of elf card that is more of a tweak to the original art, not so much a full alter. Done in black, emerald greens, and metallic greens, this was superimposed above the original.

Also coming soon to eBay are an SDC first-- collaborative cards between Selkie and myself.  I am beyond pleased with the results and can't wait to post!  Or for Selkie to post!   Also a first, one collaboration will be a set of 4.  Yah!

Copic Markers

If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be?  Well this has been what's popped into my head for the last several years.  Copic Sketch markers.  I even came close to actually purchasing them once!  Good thing I didn't though, 'cause my freelance gig went south, checks bounced, and my bank account was drained.  It was so close though..  Now I just check DickBlick and Jerry's Artarama on a daily basis, hoping for a 20% off sale or something (not that I'd even have that much).  The treasured 72 Set A is usually about $327.10 on either site.  These are not disposable markers-- each one is refillable and you can even change out the nibs if they get all scuzzy.  The next time your little bastard nephew gets ahold of one and smashes the tip down, no worries!  It's easily replaceable.  And your nephew is still young enough that you can beat the crap out of him without much effort.  Technically, you can build your own marker-- buy an empty marker body, the nibs you want, and fill it with whatever refill cartridge you want.  They can also be used with an air can (also sold by Copic) to air brush.  Wow.  Another nifty feature in the shape of the marker bodies.  The Copic Sketch bodies are oval, so they will not roll all over the place.  They have 2 ends (one is brush-like and the other is a chisel shape).  The Copic Original markers feature square bodies and different nibs (one is a chisel and the other is sort of like your typical sharpie nib).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A little background info:  I work full-ish time as a graphic artist at a screen printing and sign company called Pyramid Graphics.  Because we do a lot of stuff for sports teams, business tends to be kind of seasonal.  Things will be slow until football season starts up and that means less hours of work to do.  Selkie introduced Diva and I to this altered magic card stuff as fun as hell (and a way to supplement our incomes... or lack thereof).

These cards are up for auction, ending August 2nd -- SWAMP   ISLAND

The swamp is foil, which had its own challenges.  It was easy to sketch out the card using white paint, but it was also easy to accidentally wipe off everything I did after that.  Aside from being greener in person, the hair has a slight glitter to it and the frog and body scales have metallic paint in them.  I doubt I'll be doing the heavily outlines style again unless there is some sort of purpose to it. 

The island's original art is left mostly intact with the alter layered on top.  Again, it was much harder to layer paint evenly without pushing it off.  I tried to maintain the same color palette as the original art (because it is totally beautiful) and her hair is supposed to mimic the cyclones that were covered up in the process.  I meant to do some sort of tropical flower in her hair, but forgot.  It was a lot of fun to have a color palette to work with, so I am trying it again with the mountain (unfinished, so far).

I think I need to get more of the brick red color added into this one and warm up the purple, but it is definitely going in the right direction.  If i am able to do a painting session tonight, it should be finished.  I'll do another one if I can find another Zendikar land with nice colors.

So far, the hardest part about this is not getting clumpy paint and trying to align pictures with text on the damn blog.  Uhm, I guess the other hardest part is doing any subtle blending.  My medium of choice is usually a combination of marker (Prismacolor and Copic) and colored pencil (Faber-Castell).  This glorious combo makes for easy easy easy and quick blending and layering, but... the surface of the card is too slick to handle such a technique.  Might be worth experimenting.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Card Supply

Haha, gross.  Brain tears.

Anyway.  Michael (the boyfriend) has offered us pretty much free range to paint on his cards.  He has a few binder sheets of rares that need permission first, but any duplicate rares are up for grabs.  I haven't really browsed them yet, but am hoping he's got some of those Zendikar lands in there.  The workable space on those lands is the best, though it's not impossible to paint outside the original art borders.  Should probably do that more.. It might also be worthwhile to consider extending pretty cards just because they are pretty.


No Zendikar lands to be found, but there is a bunch of other stuff.  I don't really know what I'm looking at other than 40 lbs of paper, so we're gonna need Selkie to take stock/appraise or something.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dachsunds, Zombie token

Yes, I'm sitting with the puppies right now! They are super cute...and fun to laugh at. They miss Selkie and it's making them a bit confused. Heinz and Gretel, my voice teacher's super cute furry-babies, are super amazing. Heinz is 8 and Gretel is 6, I think. Selkie renamed Gretel "Gert" or "Gertie." He usually talks to the dogs in a very high pitched tone, so I asked Gretel where she was in that tone, to see what she would do...


I just did this for fun. I like the tokens for several reasons:
1) I'm still learning, so if the paint is thick, it won't screw up your tournament rules.
2) the area on the card is large, like Zendikar lands. Bigger area means easier for me to paint!
3) It's easier for me to come up with a back story for the person or thing I'm painting, which makes it easier (in turn) for me to create.

I started with the eyes, actually. I hadn't planned on this card working like it had---really, she was meant to be a sort of hydrocephalic-zombie. But, the eyes and face started to look so balanced, but sad....and calm. In my mind, she became this person whose fear wasn't absorbing her; no, she had resigned herself to the fate at hand. She was done in only black and white, except the tears and irises. The tears are a copper Lumiere paint and I thought it could look like she was crying blood. If the aberration in the back had already sunk his teeth into her skull, she could be completely pale and dead, and the tears really were her leaking brains.

Gross, huh?

I'm pretty happy with it, especially since I'm still learning!

Friday, July 23, 2010


In addition to this blog, we've also begun a website.  Selkie is doing all of the site design and I'm trying to help out by creating buttons and banners.  It's hard to make stuff in Photoshop without it looking... Photoshopped.  I think we're off to a good start though, despite our team mate Diva being gone to dog-sit. Have fun with the dachshunds!  =)

Another technological thingy we might do in the future is video record our painting sessions and post them at several times the original speed or something.  I don't know how to do that, but between the three of us, we should be able to figure something out.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


No commissions yet, but a local dude named Zac was nice enough to trade us a bunch of lands in exchange for an alter or two.  Thank you for the lands, Zac!  I promise to spell your name right next time!  Most likely!

A swamp Cultist Chan.  I didn't know what she was, but here we go--  Ka-CHOW!  There.  It's impossible to tell from the scan, but every part that looks like poo brown is actually a metallic gold (background, outlines, belt buckle, bra ring, necklace cross, eye sparkles).


So far the eBay experience has been quite positive.  As of today, three of my cards have been up for auction.  While the mtg card alteration business isn't likely to pay off my college loans or anything, I am pleased that they are selling.  Not to mention, it's a lot of fun.

The first cards were older and not commonly used, but this third one is an altered land card.  It's a land [forest] (pictured blow) and the auction ends on July 26th.

On both Torch Drake and Gruul Signet, the backgrounds and borders are entirely metallic.  The flame shapes and color transitions aren't nearly as graphic in person.  I am working on boobs, but hair, faces, and random animal anatomy are definitely my favorite parts about altering these cards

The plan for the near future is to focus on altering mostly lands and other commonly used cards unless a specific commission comes up.

What I'm working on now is a foil swamp land, which should be finished and posted in a day or so.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This is way fun.  I like the challenge of painting within a small workable area.  It saves paint if nothing else.  The possible themes are great, too.  Anime style or not, I like any excuse to draw girls and small animals.  So far, my eyes are holding out just fine.

On materials:

We've been using mostly inexpensive acrylic craft paint.  We have a lot of basic colors: red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, magenta, black, and white...and lavender and orange

 We also have used metallic Jacquard paints with success.  Over light colors, these metallics are sort of transparent.  Over dark colors, the metallics seem more solid.  Some of them look one color like blue and shine another color like gold, depending on how much paint is layered on and which angle they're viewed from. 

I'm not sure how other mtg card alterers have been using Prismacolor markers because they seem to just wipe right off the card.

We have also purchased some gold leaf, but haven't tried it out yet (none of us have leafed anything before, as far as I know.).  Could be cool, we'll post the results when we do use it.

For standard artwork removal, acetone all the way.  We bought ours at Menards in the paint section, but you can find it at most hardware stores.  The fingernail polish remover acetone has too much water in it and water will damage your cards, so go ahead and spend $5-10 on the industrial stuff.  Removing ink with Acetone takes a lot less time than an eraser.  It can be smelly though, so open up a window (or you will probably get high).  And don't smoke, I guess.  For removing tiny areas, we've had good luck just scraping it off carefully with an X-acto knife.  We have the normal blade and a curved blade. 

Selkie has been sealing all of the cards, so he'll have to explain more about what goes into that.  Also open up a window and try not to smoke.  And be careful using it outside 'cause stuff can blow onto your sticky card.

It's like a magnifying mirror!

Have you ever plucked hairs out using a x10 magnifying mirror? Well, that experience is akin to scanning your first altered M:tG card. You think "I take care of my skin, I don't have wrinkles....I look fine!" and then BAM! You see everything clearly and your skin betrays those years you've shaved off your true age. Tiny veins are broken and pores contain microscopic grit.

It's not like I wasn't expecting to see these imperfections; quite the opposite. I tend to be my worst critic. However, it was just a bit shocking to see the card that, to my old eyes, appeared almost perfect. It is good....but man, there is still a lot to learn!

I'm so glad I have the "C" in SDC around to keep me on my toes. Her statements about how to look at things and draw/paints things the way they ARE not the way I think they appear is helping me break down one of my biggest fears---eyes.

I'll be tackling them tomorrow on my "red lady", if I have time!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

SDC cards is a cooperative effort by Selkie24, Diva, and CatalystSwitch to paint, alter, and create enjoyable art on the canvas of Magic: the Gathering cards.

We plan to share our works here, as well as cover our experiences and struggles in the learning process involved in this effort.